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About This Web site

About me
Before I tell you the story behind this website, let me tell you who I am. My name is Andy Rector and I am a published author of short stories, articles and children's books. I am currently working on my first novel. I have a degree in Journalism, and was an editor at a publishing company for several years. Then I went back to school and became a graphic designer. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about writing. Please type "Write to the Bone" in the subject of the email so I will know it is not spam.

About the Web site
One day my mom said, " I'd like to attend your classes in grammar. Can you sneak me in?" Well, I couldn't do that, but I did want her to benefit from my teacher's notes. So I made this website. I have posted the lessons from all the classes I teach : Creative Writing, Write and Publish Children's Books, Writing Articles for Magazines and Newspapers, Practical Grammar, English 101 and 102. Now, not only can my mom check out my notes on writing, but all my students can consult this website if they miss a class. Thanks for the inspiration, Mom!

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